Child-Led Play
“Play is the work of the child” – Dr Maria Montessori
You might automatically assume that the words “child-led play” mean that we allow children to do whatever they want with no input from the adults. It is quite the opposite!
Child-led play in Worldwide Kids practice is: Our teams responding to our little guests’ interests and using those interests to turn what they are doing into a fun and positive learning experience.
What is Behind the Meaningful Learning Experiences through Child-Led Play?
There is always the concern that no true learning will occur unless you, as an adult, are there to drive it. But the truth is when we place children at the centre of their learning path and we follow their ideas, the learning experiences that they come up with are ten times better than we could ever dream of.
And then the learning begins…
There is so much magic behind a child experiencing an environment that puts them in the spotlight.
A child that’s allowed to direct their path through their interests will feel part of a bigger world. They will feel important and understood.
When you validate a child’s interests and questions, you are helping to build that child’s character and you are handing them the tools that enable them to grow and develop. It will also give them a sense of purpose and some control over their environment which can only in turn prove to be positive.
The Role of the Childcare Providers
But where do the childcare providers fit in capturing those interests and turning them into experiences? Well, it is up to us to set an environment that enables and empowers children to follow said interests.
While a child is engaged in an activity, use open-ended questions in response to their interactions. Be careful though, you do not want to overwhelm them with too many questions whilst they are fully cultivated in learning through play.
Role modelling positive behaviours through interaction and engagement are also key during child-led play. It is said that children often imitate adults – everything they see, hear, and happen around them influences what they do and who they grow up to be. This is called the snowball effect.
Where do Worldwide Kids Activity Programmes Fit in?
Our young audience usually uses our services based on the activities that we offer. They check our programmes and select the activity that captures their interests the most – and we endeavour to turn that into a well-rounded experience for them.
Our activity programmes have been developed from the endless amounts of fun and interactions that our little guests have shared with us and that we have observed.
But it doesn’t stop at the programmes…
Spontaneity and flexibility are a must in the childcare world. If a child wants to go off the beaten track and shows interest in something other than what we have on offer, we will fully explore it. We want our little guests to feel pride and ownership and enjoy the fun side of learning to the fullest potential.
Delivering Activity Concepts Through our Programmes to Fit the Experience
The leading cue on cultivating activities that speaks to children’s minds and allow them to fully engage in their interests is their environment. An environment that meets the different needs of play can enable children to participate in child-led activities and use the space to build on their ideas.
If a child shows an interest in surrounding bugs, for example, you will use a variety of different resources and activities set up for the child to learn about bugs in depth. You might set up: an outdoor bug-search, a bug-house design project, stories or songs about bugs, a snack bar with healthy bug-themed fruits and vegetables, or even better if the child has their suggestions!
Children benefit greatly from being outdoors. It offers them a different perspective that enhances their learning and nurtures their mind.
A note for us adults…
The last part of the article is reserved for the emphasis on independence during child-led play. It’s easy for us adults to take over, to step in and take control and “just do it for them”, but the key is to provide an environment where our children can flourish through child-led experiences, and it is one in which we provide them with the tools and support to gain independence. That’s when children begin to make decisions and take the direction of their learning path. Truth be told, children are often smarter than we give them credit for.
So, what are you waiting for? Go and play!
James Gunn, Operations Consultant – Worldwide Kids GmbH